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Image by Kane Reinholdtsen


Confirmation is an important milestone in your Christian faith journey where you publicly affirm your baptism and renew your baptismal vows to live a life as a committed disciple of Christ. Your affirmation is publicly confirmed in a special worship service with an emphasis on prayer and the gift of the Holy Spirit that is bestowed through the laying of hands.

Together with the community of faith, those to be confirmed declare to be "steadfastly purposed with the help of the gift of the Holy Spirit, to lead your life in the faith of Christ and in obedience to God's Will and commandments; and must acknowledge yourselves bound to fulfil the Christian duties to which your baptism has pledged you. (Confirmation, Diocese of Singapore Service Book, pg. 55)"


Confirmation Classes

Confirmation Classes will start from 17th September. Please contact any of the Pastoral Staff to sign up if you are interested.

A Church Camp briefing will be held on Sunday, 4 June, after the service. All camp participants are strongly encouraged to attend this information briefing concerning the upcoming Church Camp.


Church Camp Briefing

A Church Camp briefing will be held on Sunday, 4 June, after the service. All camp participants are strongly encouraged to attend this information briefing concerning the upcoming Church Camp.

Baptism Classes for those interested to be baptised will take place on Sundays, 2pm, from 9 July to 27 August. Those interested in getting baptised, please register with Elizabeth Joseph. The Baptism Service will be held on Saturday, 9th September (more details will be announced closer to date).


Baptism Classes

Baptism Classes for those interested to be baptised will take place on Sundays, 2pm, from 9 July to 27 August. Those interested in getting baptised, please register with Elizabeth Joseph.

Starting a new sermon series on the "Principles for Christian Living"!
After covering the basic spiritual hygiene of being a Disciple of Christ and our faith in the "Equipping Sessions", let’s see how we can realise and live out the implications of following Jesus in a multi-cultural and multi-religious environment, issues which the Corinthian church was grappling with and that are still relevant to our church today.


New Sermon Series: Principles for Christian Living

Starting a new sermon series on the "Principles for Christian Living" from 16th April to 28th May.

As part of our 3-year Church Discipleship Strategy, all congregation members are encouraged to commit to attending the upcoming Equipping Sessions that will run for 8 consecutive Sundays from 2-4pm. These sessions are the first step in our preparation to be better equipped as Disciples of Christ. 

Conducted in a workshop format and as a follow-up from the morning's sermon, we will be exploring the Joy of Prayer, Word, Worship and Witness that form the solid foundation of what it means to be Jesus' disciples and is the basic "hygiene" of a healthy and strong relationship with God. 

The objective of the Equipping Session is to equip every member to (a) Be a witness for Christ, and to (b) Be able to teach the fundamentals of the faith to others - where every member would heed Jesus' call to follow Him and assert that "I am a committed disciple of Christ".

We strongly encourage all members of the English Congregation to attend these Equipping Sessions. The 1st session begins on the 5th of February 2023 at 2pm in the Jehovah Sanctuary. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the pastoral staff if you have any questions or require more information about the Equipping Sessions.


Equipping Sessions Start in February!

Equipping Sessions will start from 5th February and will run for 8 consecutive Sundays. All congregation members are strongly encouraged to attend these Equipping Sessions as we embark on our intentional Discipleship strategy this year.

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